We pray every morning as a family before Pedro leaves for work. We usually stand next to Sam's high chair and each put a hand on him. This morning for the first time ever, he put down his spoon and bowed his head and sat quietly during the whole prayer. YES!
Then I sat at the table reading my bible while he finished his breakfast and he pointed to my bible and said "Bi-blo" or something like that. After breakfast he sat and let me read him a story from his little bible. I get so excited about little things like that!
Samson's tantrums have gotten 100% better. In fact, I don't think he has had one in a week. I think he needed to get back into his routine. I'm also reading a pretty awesome book, "The Happiest Toddler on the Block." Some of it is common sense, but there are some great tips and tricks for ending tantrums. My other go-to parenting book has always been "Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood." This is the method I used while teaching. I was really excited to see that they had developed an early childhood book. I read it last year while Sam was still in the infant stage and constantly refer back to it. I am definitely not an expert on parenting. Sometimes I think it was easier to teach a choir of 60-80 kids than teach my one little whirlwind, but he is absolutely worth it. I am so thankful to be able to stay home with Sam. Sometimes we do miss having two paychecks and occasionally I miss spending time around other adults, but for the most part I would not give up this time with my little guy for anything. Someday when our kids are all in school there will be plenty of time for me to return to teaching, finish grad school and pursue my career.
A family that prays together, stays together. And everything that you share with Samson, he will teach Levi...
Thank you so much for sharing Julie! I am going to check those books out. There is nothing greater than being a mommy, tough days and all! I am still learning that.
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