We got a visit from our diaper fairy yesterday! I love it when the diaper fairy comes. So does Sam. She mailed us a 5-pack of toddler size AIO's, 3 super-cute toddler onesies that are extra roomie in the tush for cloth diapered babies, an 8-pack of infant size baby basics (I think these diapers with a couple of wraps will be perfect for holding in that runny infant poo.) and a 5-pack of newborn size AIO's. These newborn diapers are precious. They look SO tiny to me. I think I'll have to bring them to the hospital with me for pictures. We never did newborn pictures with Sam because we were completely unprepared when he was born.
Sam's birth completely took me by surprise. I was 11 days past my first due date and 3 days past the only other possible due date we could come up with. However, I was still set on going into labor naturally. Right. I should have known that would never hapen with the doctor I had. The week before she had tried to have me induced for preeclampysia. She was measuring my belly and checking the baby's position when she realized the nurse hadn't recorded my blood pressure so she brought in another nurse to take it while I was laying FLAT on my back and had been for about 5 minutes. Of course it was extremely high at that point. Whose wouldn't be after laying on their back with 20+ lbs. compressing a main artery. Then she said "Well, I just can't understand it. Your blood pressure has been great, no swelling, no protein, you've even lost a little weight since last week. I'm going to send you over to the hospital to be tested and if it comes back positive we'll induce. If not, I want to see you first thing Monday morning." I was fine. Good thing I was still teaching full-time and had amazing insurance that paid 100% of all the needless testing I underwent with that doctor.
I went in early in the morning the following Monday for a bio-physical profile to see how Sam was doing and it was determined that my amniotic fluid was low, and the baby wasn't doing well so my doctor insisted on inducing. I was tired and ready to get the show on the road so I didn't resist too much. For reasons I still can't understand to this day, my doctor insisted that I go straight to the hospital instead of running home to get my bag? In retrospect, not smart. I should have gone home to get my bag and drop off my car. Pedro couldn't find most of what I needed so I ended up being stuck with the hospital's brand of toothpaste/toothbrush and other toiletries. Not the end of the world, but sometimes you want the comfort of your own stuff. We had NOTHING for poor Sam to go home from the hospital in. Someone had brought us two 3-6 mo. size outfits so we ended up putting him in one of those. I remember it being ridiculously huge and the nurse looking at us like we were completely incompetent.
Now I laugh at all the things we didn't know, but we survived and so did Samson. I'm sure when baby Levi arrives we'll discover more new things.
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
5 days ago
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