Today was day #1 of me getting up with Pedro to make a healthy breakfast for both of us. We had oatmeal with flaxmeal, wheat germ, blueberries and bananas. Yum! I think it went well. (Even if I did get distracted and burn the oatmeal. I never burn things. What's up with that?) Neither one of us could remember the last time we did this, but we decided it must have been before Sam.
Sam has been sleeping in these days. (Yesterday, he slept until 8:00!!!!!) So it was hard to drag myself out of bed at 6AM when I knew I could sleep in a little more if I wanted to. However, it was also nice to sit at the dining room table and have a quiet breakfast with Pedro. And it will be even nicer to NOT have to rush through my own breakfast while trying to get Sam fed this morning.
Tomorrow morning, I think I will try to work-out also. I usually try to squeeze it in during Sam's afternoon nap, along with about 9 billion other things I have to get done.
It's 7:45. The house is quiet. What to do now? I think I'll lay on the couch and read. Have a beautiful day everyone!
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
5 days ago
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