You know, the one with the cranky, sick kid in a grocery store who lets her kid eat right out of the package BEFORE paying for it. Oh boy. Let me tell you about my morning.
Actually, lets back up to Sunday Night/Monday. Sam started getting a runny nose and watery eyes. He coughed almost the entire night and didn't get much sleep. Neither did we. I figured it was probably just teething or a cold.
We left him with Heather, Tyler, Paige and Wyatt on Tuesday night because we didn't want to drag him out in the cold to test drive the minivan. When we got back, Heather suggested rubbing Vicks on his feet at bedtime to help his nighttime cough. It was amazing. It worked! He only woke up once during the night. She also said she thought he felt hot so we took his temp when we got home and sure enough it was 101.
Wednesday symptoms continued to get worse. I won't gross anyone out with a description of his mucus. We went to get our van last night at 6:00pm and decided to head straight over to the DMV to get the registration, title, and plates taken care of. I am so thankful that we did that. It made today SO much easier.
This morning I could tell Sam's fever had gone down, but he refused to eat breakfast. Very unusual. This kid usually asks for bread as soon as I go get him. He asked for some goldfish and I gave them to him because I just wanted him to eat. He ate three of them. Wow.
Since his fever had gone down, I debated on whether I should take him to the doctor. I am so glad I did.
We saw the doctor around 8:30 this morning. He commented right away on his rapid, labored breathing. His nose and ears looked ok, but when he listened to his lungs, he said he was wheezing and he wanted to do a breathing treatment on him and then come back and listen again. Let me tell you about the joys of using a nebulizer with a 2o month old. He was interested in the machine and actually did a good job keeping it in his mouth, but he did not like the mist coming out and cried, screamed, and flailed through the entire 15 minute process. I felt like a cowboy wrangling a bucking bronco.
The doctor came back and said that his breathing sounded better and his airways were clearer. He then diagnosed him with an upper respiratory infection with bronchospasms and told me he would write me a prescription for a nebulizer and medication and he needed to see us again on Monday. He also said that if his fever went up again he needed to come back to the Dr. right away or go to the ER because that would indicate pneumonia.
Sam was practically shoving my coat on me and begging to put his on at this point. So we left the doctors office and cruised right on over to Airway Oxygen. (Sam loves riding in the van. He gets excited when he sees it and mad when he has to get out. I think he likes that he can see me from his little captains chair in the back.) I cannot say enough nice things about the people at Airway Oxygen. They could see I had a mad, sick kid and made it so quick and easy for me to get everything for Sam. They even gave him a coloring book and crayons that show a little turtle taking breathing treatments. His machine and mouthpieces have little turtles also. They went over exactly how to put everything together, use it and clean it. Then they carried everything out to the car for me.
Now for the BEST part of the trip, Meijer!! I dropped off Sam's prescription at the pharmacy and headed to the grocery area. At this point it was 10:00, but I was hoping and praying that the deli was open so I could get Sam some chicken and potato wedges because he was hungry and throwing a fit. I had the joy of getting dirty looks from everyone I passed by and loved it when I overhead someone make a comment under their breath about how "people shouldn't bring sick kids to the store." I had to bite my tongue and keep walking. I am so thankful for the wonderful woman at the deli who gave Sam a boneless chicken wing and potato wedge FOR FREE even after I had pulled out my wallet. Of course he wouldn't eat them because they were too hot. We quickly picked up a few other things and when we got to the bread aisle he started asking for bread. I opened the package and gave him two pieces. More dirty looks. Really? Because I'm pretty sure I'm going to pay for it and at least my kid is no longer screaming.
We could not pick up our prescription, pay for our items and get out of that store fast enough. Yikes! I was so happy to finally be home at 11:15.
Sam had some chicken nuggets and a popsicle. We snuggled on the couch and watched a little 101 Dalmations and then he fell asleep in my arms and I rocked him and cried out of sheer exhaustion for a couple minutes before I put him to bed. Mom, I am SO glad you are coming to visit this weekend.
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
5 days ago
1 comment:
Should I be happy I'm visiting too?
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