Samson loves to eat whole wheat crackers. He thinks they are cookies. (I know. I'm a cruel mom.) After he eats crackers there are usually crumbs ALL over the floor and I usually vacuum them up right away. Today I decided I would wait until later, but Sam went right to the closet and insisted I get out the vacuum and clean up. Then, while I vacuumed the dining room, living room, kitchen and his high chair, he swept with the broom. We put everything away in the closet, but he insisted on getting out the swiffer. After a couple of minutes swiffering, I heard him go to the closet again. I then watched him come back to the living room with the container of wet wipes for the swiffer. He got one out and started putting it on. I had to help him, of course. And then..........HE SWIFFERED every inch of tile and wood laminate in our house!! My mouth hung open. What 20 month old can operate a swiffer? Or wants to? I guess my compulsive cleaning habits are rubbing off on him. Oh dear. I wish I would have gotten it on video tape, but I am pretty sure he will do it again.
We had such a fun morning together. Then, this afternoon, Sam screamed the entire time our sweet babysitter Bethani was here. I'm going to blame it on a combination of teething and not taking a long enough afternoon nap. He is still working on one pesky 2 year molar that hasn't broken through yet. Ugh, teething!
It's snowy here today, but not too cold so Pedro is outside shoveling and grillin

g some chicken terriyaki. Yum! I'm starving.
I found this cute t-shirt and onesie at Meijer last week and I couldn't resist buying them. They will be perfect for the first time Sam meets Levi.
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