It's about 7:30 am and my son has already had two major tantrums. The first was because he wanted daddy to change his diaper. Sorry dude. Daddy has to finish getting ready for work. The second involved him throwing bread and cheese at me(and hitting me in the face with it I might add)and then smacking me on the back from his high chair as I bent down to pick it up. Again, he wanted daddy to give him breakfast.
Sunday night he had a tantrum so bad during bath time that Pedro told me he was done having kids. Um...sorry honey, I think we're having another boy in about 3.5 months.
Last week the tantrums were non-stop, but I chalked it off to the fact that we were staying at my mom's house and he was in a different environment. We also had a party to go to almost every day and there were tons of people in his face all the time. On Christmas day he screamed for an hour and we thought we might not even make it to my grandparents for Christmas dinner.
I keep meditating on the fruits of the Spirit (Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.) And reminding myself that this too shall pass.
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
3 days ago
Thanks for the post. Makes me feel like a normal mom and knowing that I am not the only one helps! This too shall pass, but can anyone tell me when? Love you.
Yes, thank you my life is normal and my kid is normal. In the last few months we have been dealing with a lot of tantrums that start because of the silliest things. Maybe it is because a new baby is in the house I know it is completely for attention, but they are not fun and I sometimes feel like I'm failing with motherhood. Or how he has been potty trained for over 7 months and now he wants to be a baby again and pee in his pants... ah... I know, this too shall pass. Thanks for helping us feel normal for sure!
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