Dear Mom,
I am so sorry for all the miserable tantrums I threw as a kid. Like the time I was two and I banged my head against the wall until my nose bled. Or at age 3 when I slammed my bedroom door so hard that the ceiling in your bedroom caved in. (Not something you want to happen in an old victorian house with plaster ceilings....)I am so sorry about all of the times I threw myself on the floor and had a fit in the grocery store or during any shopping excursion. I am sorry for the time Grandpa had to pull the van over and put me out in the snow until I could calm down on a trip home from Florida. My child is now paying me back.....in spades! Today I was reminded of all these incidents as my own child threw food in my face, kicked and hit me, and last but not least, cried himself to sleep in his crib, but not until after he had banged his head on it a couple of times.
I love you Mom!
1 comment:
You are forgiven my child. And my gift to you is an abundance of patience and love while you raise that wonderful little kid called Sam.
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