Friday, March 20, 2009

Crib Protectors

I wish we had known about these before Sam started destroying his crib earlier this week. I also wish I had known that I wouldn't be able to buy one in ANY of our local stores and would have to resort to either purchasing online or driving 45 minutes to the "big" city. SERIOUSLY? Are you telling me I have the only child that chews on his crib in this area? Because I refuse to believe that! I don't want to wait 7-10 business days for shipping. I need to take care of this now. Before our crib is a pile of sawdust on the floor. I think this calls for a trip to Jo-Ann Fabrics and some sewing.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a business you might need to start!

Anonymous said...

I am loving this story. I especially love that you made him look right at the damage after it was done! HA HA!