1. The only chair he will sit in is his high chair. He prefers to push chairs around rather than sit in them. I usually peek in to the nursery at church at about the time they are doing snacks. All of the other children are sitting at the table eating. Not Sam. He's pushing his chair around the table and occasionally he'll stop and eat.
2. Although he definitely plays rough and beats on his toys, he has a very sweet side. The other day I fell asleep on the couch for a couple seconds and when I woke up he was brushing my hair with his baby brush and patting my face. Then he tried to put his red converse shoes on my feet. Sometimes he will drop everything he is doing, run to me, kiss me and then go back to whatever he is doing.
3. He is starting to pick up on my sometimes OCD cleaning habits. The first thing he does when he gets out of his high chair is run for his toy vacuum so he can help sweep up the crumbs under his chair. One day in the church nursery he took the wipe he had been given to clean his hands and got down on his hands and knees and starting wiping the floor. (He had shattered a snow globe on the tile earlier in the day and had to sit in his high chair while he watched me clean up the mess of tiny styrofoam snow and plastic shards.)
4. He enjoys power tools. Check out the picture of him below. It was 7am and he had just gotten up. He absolutely loves his jackhammer. It lights up and makes noise.